Spaces ====== Spaces list ----------- .. http:get:: /spaces/ .. code-block:: gherkin As a user I'd like to get detailed information about spaces Which products may be linked to So I'm aware of these physical aspects Response example:: { "count": 1, "next": None, "previous": None, "results": [ { "name": "The viewing platform", "park": "uluru", "short_description": "A platform which offers beautiful view on the object", "created_by_org": "Entry Station", "created_at": "iso format datetime with timezone", "id": "UUID of the space", "image": "", "visible_to_orgs": "org name 1,org name 2, org name 3", "is_indoor": False, "is_public": True, "unit": "group", "max_units": 1 } ] } Fields:: * ``created_by_org`` - any space has the owner, usually it's park own organisations * ``visible_to_orgs`` - in case of non-public spaces only set list of organisations + the owner see it * ``is_indoor`` is just an informational field * ``unit`` and ``max_units`` work the same way as in products and slots. Space reservations list ----------------------- .. http:get:: /spaces/{space_id}/reservations/ .. code-block:: gherkin As a user I'd like to get the information about space reservation calendar To be aware when it's busy and when it's not Filters:: * GET parameters ``from`` and ``until`` like the reservations list endpoint Response example:: [ { "space_reservation_id": "uuid", "product_reservation_id": "uuid (another)", "start_time": "iso datetime", "end_time": "iso datetime", "units": 3 }, ... ]