
School Teachers, planning an education excursion to Canberra, use the Book Canberra Excursion (BCE) system to search and book education experiences.

Australian National Botanic Gardens (ANBG, part of Parks Australia) have facilities and programs to provide educational experiences to school excursions.

The purpose of this exercise is to integrate BCE with Parks Australia’s systems, so that ANBG experiences can be searched and booked from BCE by teachers planning an school excursion in Canberra.

In the following diagram, the blue parts represent user stories that are already supported by the current systems. The green parts represent new features that are required to accomplish the integration.

   component "Parks Australia" as pa
   component BCE

   interface "<<UI>>\nTrade\nPortal" as tpui
   tpui -- pa
   interface "<<API>>\nFRAPI+" as frapi
   frapi -- pa

   actor "BCE\nadmin" as bce_admin
   usecase "manage\nAPI\nkeys" as uc_api_keys #lightblue
   bce_admin -down-> uc_api_keys
   uc_api_keys -down-> tpui
   uc_api_keys -up-> BCE

   usecase "check\navailability" as uc1 #lightgreen
   BCE -down-> uc1
   uc1 -down-> frapi

   usecase "create\npending\nbooking" as uc2 #lightgreen
   BCE -down-> uc2
   uc2 -down-> frapi

   usecase "finalise\nbooking" as uc3 #lightgreen
   BCE -down-> uc3
   uc3 -down-> frapi

   usecase "create or update\ndetailed information\nabout booking" as uc4 #lightgreen
   BCE -down-> uc4
   uc4 -down-> frapi

   usecase "get list of\nbookable things" as uc5 #lightgreen
   BCE -down-> uc5
   uc5 -down-> frapi

   actor "Parks\nStaff" as tpu
   usecase "confirm or deny\npending booking" as uc6 #lightgreen
   tpu -up-> uc6
   uc6 -up-> tpui

   actor "Parks\nAdmin" as padmin
   usecase "configure\nbookable\nthings" as uc7 #lightgreen
   padmin -up-> uc7
   uc7 -up-> tpui

   usecase "configure bookable\neducation experiences\nin BCE" as uc8 #lightblue
   tpu .up.> uc8
   uc8 .down.> BCE

   usecase "manage bookings\ndirectly in BCE" as uc9 #lightblue
   tpu .up.> uc9
   uc9 .down.> BCE

   actor "Visiting\nEducator" as teach
   usecase "search and book\neducational experiences\nusing BCE" as uc10 #lightblue
   teach -down-> uc10
   uc10 -down-> BCE


This document lives at https://github.com/gs-gs/parks-bce-integration-bookable-things

Feel free to raise tickets. Pull requests welcome.